Become a Member

Experience real advantages as a member of Advia!

It’s easy to open your account online right now.

Open Personal Account
Open Business Account
Already a Member?

Open a Personal Account.

To be eligible for membership you must either be related to a current member or live, work, worship, or attend school in an eligible county in Michigan, Wisconsin, or Illinois. Ready to open your new account?

To make the process even faster, have the following items ready:

  • Social Security Number
  • Valid US Driver's License, State ID, or Passport
  • Minimum $5 deposit by valid debit card, credit card, or by an external transfer from another financial institution

Open a Business Account.

To be eligible your business must qualify for one (1) of the following: physical location of business is within an eligible county; business operations located within an eligible county; majority of the owners, shareholders, partners, or members are eligible for membership as individuals. Ready to open your new account?

To make the process even faster, have the following items ready:

  • Social Security Number
  • Valid US Driver's License, State ID, or Passport
  • Organization Documents (Partnership Agreement, Articles of Organization, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Organization Resolution, Corporate Resolution)
  • Proof of EIN (IRS Letter of proof on Taxes)
  • Minimum $5 deposit by valid debit card, credit card, or an external transfer from another financial institution

Do you have more questions?

If you have any questions that you think of during your application, we are here to help you through it.

Eligible counties:

All counties in the lower peninsula.

  • Dane
  • Green
  • Jefferson
  • Kenosha
  • Milwaukee
  • Racine
  • Rock
  • Walworth
  • Waukeshaa
  • Boone
  • Cook (north of Irving Park Road)
  • DuPage
  • Kane
  • Lake
  • McHenry
  • Winnebago

Current Advia Members.

Are you a current Advia member looking to add additional accounts to your membership? We can help! Easily open new accounts and loans within Digital Banking.

Real Advantages

We live our core values every day - in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Illinois - as one team dedicated to providing real advantages to real people.

The History of Advia Credit Union

Advia Credit Union's mission is to provide financial advantages. We look to proactively seek the quickest and easiest solutions available for members to maximize the financial value provided to them.

Advia Foundation

Committed to advancing lives in the communities we serve every day. Through volunteerism, grants, donations, sponsorships, and scholarships, we invest our time and money in our communities.