Member Perks

Advia has partnered with numerous vendors to offer our Members discounts and discounted rates on select products and services - including discounts up to $25 on tax solutions!

Spectrum Mobile

Exclusive cash reward offer.

xfinity mobile

Exclusive cash reward offer.


Save up to $15.

H&R Block

New clients save $25.


Exclusive $100 cash reward offer.


Save money on car insurance.

Love My Credit Union

Exclusive access to saving on outdoor vehicles.

Rental Kharma

Build your credit history and save up to 30%.


Exclusive access to home tech support and protection.


Save up to 35% on identity theft and credit report monitoring.

Postage Stamps

Purchase US postage stamps at your nearby branch.
TurboTax Offer: Visit for TurboTax product guarantees and other important information. Limited time offer for TurboTax 2021. Discount applies to TurboTax federal products only. Actual prices are determined at the time of print or e-file and are subject to change without notice. Terms, conditions, features, availability, pricing, fees, service, and support options subject to change without notice. Intuit, TurboTax and TurboTax Online, among others, are registered trademarks and/or service marks of Intuit Inc. in the United States and other countries.

  1. H&R Block Offer: Void if sold, purchased, or transferred and where prohibited. No cash value. Valid at participating U.S. offices only. A new client is an individual who did not use H&R Block or Block Advisors office services to prepare their 2020 tax return. Discount valid only with or for preparation of an original 2021 personal income tax return. Tax Identity Shield terms, conditions, and limitations apply. Coupon must be presented prior to completion of initial tax interview. Discount may not be combined with any other offer or promotion. Expires October 15, 2022. OBTP#B13696 ©2021 HRB Tax Group, Inc.
  2. Available to our Michigan members only.