Ultimate Savings

An Ultimate Savings for ultimate returns.

This high yield savings is ideal for balances of $100,000 or greater.

  • Intro promo rate for first four statement cycles1
  • Interest paid monthly
  • 24/7 Digital Banking access
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Digital Banking
Debit Card
Direct Deposit
Savings Calculators

Advia ClickSWITCH™

It's so easy to move your automatic payments and direct deposit to Advia.

Advia Financial Advisors

Located at Advia Credit Union, Financial Professionals with our Advia Financial Advisors program offer a variety of insurance and investment products that complement those offered by the credit union.

Explore more great financial advantages.

No matter what your financial goals and needs may be, we have a solution that will work perfectly for you.

Checking Accounts

We make checking fast, easy, and hassle-free.

Retirement Accounts

Save for retirement with a consistent return on your investment.

Certificates of Deposit

Get a rewarding return on your investment.

  1. Promotional Annual Percentage Yield available on new Ultimate Savings Accounts for first four statement cycles only; limited to one per account, for the life of the account; no minimum balance required to earn dividends during promotional period. After the promotional period, a minimum $500 daily balance is required to earn dividends; See rate page for current rates, subject to change at any time.